Tips To Help Teeth This Halloween

Halloween will be here before we know it! So many people love this time of year for the spooky decor and the endless amounts of sweet treats available. We would hate for any of our patients to experience a problem with their oral health due to overindulging in candy this month. Here are some tips to help everyone enjoy sweet treats this Halloween while also protecting their oral health:
Choose Chocolate
You may find it odd that we are recommending that patients eat chocolate. We are realistic and understand that most of our patients are going to eat candy during this time of year. Eating chocolate is the best option for your oral health. Chocolate doesn’t stick to teeth like other choices and typically melts in your mouth. We would suggest that you pass on chewy and gummy candy, hard candies such as lollipops, and sour candies. These other choices are more likely to stick to your teeth and leave harmful bacteria on them for an extended time.
Drink Water
Anytime you eat, it is important to drink plenty of water. Water, along with your saliva, helps to rid your mouth of lingering food and bacteria that can accumulate and lead to problems such as dental decay.
Eat Candy with Meals
It is best to eat at specific times throughout the day, such as established mealtimes. The more you snack between meals, the more bacteria are left to linger in your mouth. This can become an even bigger problem if you are eating sugary foods, such as candy.
Brush Your Teeth
We know that it is not always possible, but it is wise to brush your teeth after eating foods like candy that are high in sugar. This prevents any harmful bacteria from lingering on your teeth for a prolonged period of time.
Halloween is a time when we are mindful of the sugar on our teeth, but it is also a great reminder that teeth need to be properly cared for year round. Now is a good time to review the proper way to brush at least twice a day and floss daily. Along with these tips, we always recommend keeping up with your regular dental cleanings. Please call us at our office, which is located in Spring Hill, FL, if you have any questions or to schedule your next cleaning, and we will be happy to help.