Tips For A Healthy Summer Smile

Are you enjoying your summer? Summer is such a relaxing time for many. Schedules are lighter with school out of session, and some businesses become more lax during this time. One area that should not be more lax during the summer is your oral hygiene routine. This is particularly important for any children in your life. Unfortunately, not caring for your teeth now can lead to unwanted oral health issues in the future. Continue reading to learn some helpful suggestions for caring for your teeth this summer.

Looking For A New Dental Home? Hear A New Patient’s Success Story

If you are looking for a new dental home, we want to welcome you to Ackley Dental Group. We want all of our patients to feel welcome and comfortable while in our care. Visiting the dentist and receiving treatment can be difficult for many people. It can be even more challenging if you are experiencing dental issues that are causing you discomfort or changing the way you see yourself. We recently had the opportunity to sit down with one of our patients who, like you, was looking for a new dental home to help with her dental problems. Click here to watch the short video about her touching story.

Professional Teeth Cleaning Is A Must

At Ackley Dental Group, we are passionate about our patients visiting our office for routine hygiene examination appointments. Do you remember the last time you visited our office for an examination and cleaning? If it has been some time since your last visit, you may be in need of an appointment. With the start of the new year, there is no better time to schedule an appointment for you and your loved ones. No matter how well you clean your teeth on your own throughout the year, routine dental exams are a must.

This Year, Make Oral Health A Priority

Happy 2022! We don’t know about you, but we can’t believe that we are starting a new year — time seems to be flying by. The start of a new year provides a clean slate and is a great time to tackle the resolutions you may have made for yourself. Oftentimes, resolutions revolve around improving health, which is one of the reasons gyms and athletic facilities see an increase in enrollment in January. We want to take a minute and discuss your oral health. When was the last time you visited our office for a hygiene examination and cleaning? Postponing and avoiding your dental cleaning and care can lead to less than ideal oral health conditions and the need for extensive and costly treatments. Read on to learn more.