Why We Enjoy Working For Ackley Dental Group – Hear More From Our Team

At Ackley Dental Group, we are fortunate to have a team that has worked for us for a long time. We take pride in creating a work environment that our team members are happy to come to each day. You may be wondering how this relates to your care. We treat our patients and our team members like family. Since our dental team has been with us for so many years, they’ve gotten to know all our patients on a personal level. They know what is happening in their personal lives, are familiar with their dental history, and know how to treat each patient accordingly. We want to share a video from our team members explaining why they enjoy working at Ackley Dental Group. Click here to watch.

Meet A Valued Team Member – Nichole

At Ackley Dental Group, we have provided generations of families with the highest level of dental care. Our entire team is not only friendly and caring, but also able to provide a level of comprehensive dental care that you won’t find in many other dental practices. We not only offer the latest and greatest in terms of dental technology, but we are also able to meet all the needs of our patients under one roof. We treat patients of all ages and respect the needs and feelings of our patients. Our entire team shares our philosophy to offer our patients the very best in care and service. We want to take some time this month to share a little more about one of our team members — one of our hygienists Nichole.

Here’s What’s New At Ackley Dental

Since opening our doors in 1981, we have spent over 40 years offering a wide range of dental services that exceeds expectations. During that time, we have built long lasting relationships with many of our patients, like you, that continue to this day. We view our patients as members of our family. Since we only see our patients a few times a year, we want to take a few moments and share some of the exciting news and happenings that have taken place with our office and members of our team over the past few months. Continue reading to find our most recent newsletter.

It’s Time To Celebrate!

May is an exciting time for many. It’s the month of Memorial day, which tells us that summer is right around the corner. It means that school is coming to an end for the year, and plans for family trips and outings start to take shape. The excitement is building for lazy days filled with cookouts with family and friends, swimming, beach days, and all of the enjoyments of summer. Our office has even more reason to celebrate this May—it’s our 40th Anniversary. We are proud to announce that we have been serving the Spring Hill community since 1981! Continue reading to learn more about how excited we are to celebrate this anniversary with our wonderful patients.

Meet a Valued Team Member – Laura

March is a special month because we take the time to celebrate a very special, key group of team members in our office – our Dental Assistants. While the official celebration of Dental Assistants Recognition Week is during the first week of the month, we feel it is important to recognize our team all of the time. We wanted to take some time this month to help you learn a little more about one of our dedicated dental assistants, Laura.

Patients Just Like You

We hope all is well with you and your family. People often ask us what makes our dental practice special, and what can they expect when visiting us. Once they get to know us, they are amazed to find that not all dentists are the same. In fact, we created a video of patients who can tell you firsthand the difference they found at our office. You can watch the video here: